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McManus speech about 'police haters' used in viral police brutality post

Chief McManus' statement following the death of Officer Miguel Moreno struck a chord with a community police-watch group.

Footage of San Antonio Police Chief William McManus speaking about ‘police haters’ at a community event has been featured in a now-viral meme with various footage of police brutality and misconduct.

The speech was delivered at a community event on July 1, just days after Officer Miguel Moreno was shot in the head and killed in the line of duty.

The suspect, 34-year-old Andrew C. Bice, also injured Moreno's partner, Officer Julio Cavazos, before turning the gun on himself.

The shooting incident shook the community of San Antonio and garnered national attention as a senseless act of violence.

RELATED | SAPD officer Miguel Moreno passes away due to gunshot injuries

In an impassioned speech following the incident, Chief McManus spoke candidly about his feelings for what he called 'police haters.'

“I’m angry at the police haters. I’m sick of the police haters. We protect them. We’ve fed them and they give us a big F-U,” McManus said in the clip.

Using comments from McManus' speech, a group called 'Police the Police’ created a viral meme that has now been viewed more than 290,000 times.

According to the group's Facebook page, they're a community-based organization out of Lafayette, Louisiana aiming to “have an open platform to document police misconduct,”.

The pairing of McManus’ statement with footage of various police officers exhibiting excessive force on individuals, some in wheelchairs, received plenty of dialog in the comments section.

See the full meme below.


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