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Crooks take off with delivery trailer belonging to small San Antonio mattress business

The business's owner says between the robbery and the pandemic, he's left with little financial cushion to replace the vehicle.

SAN ANTONIO — A small mattress company is asking for the public’s help finding their delivery trailer after it was stolen Thursday morning.

Taylor Knight owns Good Knight Mattress at 11845 Perrin Beitel Rd. is no stranger to tough times.

“Two weeks after we opened here, about four days after we got our first load of mattresses, we got the first city-wide shutdowns,” Knight said.

He opened his first store in Victoria Texas in 2017, days before hurricane Harvey made landfall.

“We got the keys, we signed the lease to our little warehouse and all the alerts started coming in,” he said. “It said it was b-lining straight for Victoria Texas.”

What could have been a disaster, turned out to be a boon for the fledgling business.

“You’re helping your neighbors chop down trees and clear brush and stuff like that,” he said. “When you go home, you’re really, really tired, and you need a mattress.”

Their latest challenge came Thursday morning just after 4 am when someone stole their delivery trailer out of the parking lot.

“We always have it parked right out in the front, it’s kind of like our billboard.”

For Knight, it was a dream to provide people low-cost mattresses.

“I came from a little bit poorer background,” he said. “We didn’t really get new mattresses growing up unless someone died or Dad found one on the side of the street, you know what I mean?”

But he says between that and the pandemic, he was left with little cushion to absorb costs like replacing a stolen trailer.

“We hadn’t had a lot of cushion to begin with,” he said. “Usually if things are going nice and steady it gives us a little time to establish our name in the community.”

He’s asking for the public’s help locating the trailer, so they can keep serving that community.

“We give back as much as we can and we’ve got a deal going on and we’re hoping to get them some new mattresses, and it kind of prevents us from doing that as well.”

Anyone with information about the location of the trailer is encouraged to call 361-703-7338 Taylor is making a special offer for anyone who can help them find the trailer.

“If anybody has information to getting our trailer back, we’ll do a $500 store credit towards any mattress in the store.”

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