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New Braunfels Pride event goes virtual

The event will rotate a limited number of in-person participants and stream the whole thing over Facebook live to encourage virtual attendance.

NEW BRAUNFELS, Texas — Organizers for New Braunfels' second-ever Pride event are busy adjusting this year’s activities to keep participants safe.

Causes event by River City Advocacy on Saturday, June 13 2020 with 832 people interested and 175 people going. 26 posts in the discussion.

Last June, New Braunfels celebrated its first Pride event with a block party.

Families, nonprofits, and other groups gathered at River City Advocacy for an event that was all about inclusion.

“The turnout was incredible and we had so much positive feedback,” said Tiffany Quiring, the Development Director for River City Advocacy (RCA). “I think that made a really big impact for the teenagers that we see in our counseling center, but also the community as a whole, I think felt really supported.”

RCA is a nonprofit offering mental health resources to the community. One area of focus is on LGBT+ teens; a community with a higher risk of suicide and other mental health conditions.

“What has the most effect on them and their well-being is whether or not they feel accepted,” said Quiring. “That's what Pride is about and that's why mental health has a story to tell with this.”

The 2020 event was supposed to be bigger and better, but like many others, the Coronavirus crisis changed those plans.

“We're having people sign up for spots so that they can come for 30 minutes and show their support,” said Quiring. “They can dress up. They can make a poster that's communicating support or communicating something about themselves that they want to share. We're just going to be sharing that virtually through Facebook.”

The fun kicks off Saturday morning with a free Yoga class at the Landa Park Dance Slab. Donations will go to River City Advocacy.

Health event in New Braunfels, TX by The Village - A Yoga & Movement Studio and River City Advocacy on Saturday, June 13 2020 with 103 people interested.

From 10 a.m. to Noon, the event will rotate a limited number of in-person participants at the park and stream the whole thing over Facebook live.

“It was very important for us to continue on and have an event,” said Quiring. “I think it says a lot to them that you're going to figure out a way to communicate that support, communicate that love, and make sure that they feel that unity and that connectedness.”

Slots for in-person participation have been filled although some spots open sporadically if a registrant drops out. Those interested can check the status of the sign-up sheet here: Blockparty Sign-Up Genius

To support community services at River City Advocacy click here: RCA New Building

PRIDE event info: 2020 Blockparty

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